Saturday, December 29, 2012

January 2013

Welcome back! Hope you all had a great winter break.  You will be given a January calendar when we return back to school on January 2, 2013.  The month of January goes very quickly and exams begin on Tuesday, January 22.  I will discuss the exam process with you in class and will provide you with a study guide sheet to help ease some of the anxiety you may have for your first ever high school English mid-term examination.   Upon our return, you will viewing O Brother, Where Art Thou? This film is connected to The Odyssey in so many ways.  It will be up to you to make the connections and fill out the viewing guide I will provide to you prior to our viewing of the film.  You will also be preparing for a group presentation for a mythology assignment I will be assigning you.  I will provide you with the necessary details in class.  I will also be giving you plenty of time in class to prepare as a group on this presentation. The calendar will list all of the due dates for January. 

Reminder:  Vocabulary Unit Test # 3 will be given on Monday, January 14.  Prepare for it in advance. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Odyssey-Week of December 17

The Odyssey Reading Assignments:
Book XXI & XXII (21 & 22) due Monday, December 17
*Pick out a passage from Book XXI or Book XXII - make sure it is significant, descriptive, has great word choice, etc.  -- Type it and make copies for classmates...remember how I explained to do this in class.  Be sure to include the book number and line numbers.  Example:  (XXI. 19-29)

End Test for The Odyssey:
Wednesday, December 18

The Odyssey websites:

Use this website to get a short version or a longer version of what happens in the books that you are finding difficult to understand and also to get a brief summary of the books we will not be reading in The Odyssey: 

Use this website to gain a better understanding of the epic, the important themes and events found in each book, and some significant quotes from the epic: 

Learn about ancient Greece (Great Interactive Website):